All scheduled direct flights from every airport

"The optimal tool for travelers who prefer non-stop flights"

Popular searches: ATL to DTW, ORD to LAS, DEN to DFW. is a fast and easy-to-use flight search engine that can find almost any direct flight anywhere in the world. And its free to use.

Biggest airlines

Based on number of departures next month

American Airlines
178288 flights scheduled next month
United Airlines
121996 flights scheduled next month
Southwest Airlines
117805 flights scheduled next month
Delta Air Lines
115781 flights scheduled next month
98590 flights scheduled next month

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Direct Flights offer you a quick and easy search engine to find all direct flights anywhere in the world. Fast, Free & Secure.

Select where you would like to go and we will instantly show you the best direct flight options from every airline. There is no need for registering or logging in. And its free to use!

Over 70000 of direct flight routes
There are over 70000 direct flight routes in the world. After finding your prefered route and airline we can help you find the most affordable way to book with the help of our partners. High street travel agents tend to have very good rates from the airlines to keep them competitive, as well as the national agents, our partners compare flights from 100's of travel agents so you don't have to. To help you find the best direct flight deals.

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